Tips to Make Cleaning Your Kids’ Rooms Quick and Easy

Keeping your kids’ rooms clean can feel like a never-ending battle. With toys, clothes, and books often strewn everywhere, it can be challenging to maintain order. However, with a few smart hacks, you can make the cleaning process quicker and more efficient. Here are some tips to help you keep your kids’ rooms tidy with minimal effort.

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Create a Cleaning Routine

Set a Schedule

Establish a regular cleaning schedule to prevent messes from piling up. Daily, weekly, and monthly tasks can keep the room under control. For example, make the bed and put toys away daily, vacuum and dust weekly, and organize the closet and drawers monthly.

Involve Your Kids

Make cleaning a team effort by involving your kids in the process. Assign age-appropriate tasks, such as putting toys back in bins, making the bed, or sorting laundry. Teaching your children to clean up after themselves instills good habits and lightens your load.

Use a Timer

Set a timer for 10-15 minutes and challenge your kids to see how much they can clean up in that time. This turns cleaning into a fun game and helps them stay focused. You’ll be surprised at how much can get done in a short amount of time.

Smart Storage Solutions

Use Clear Bins

Clear bins and containers make it easy to see what’s inside, saving time when sorting and putting away toys. Label each bin with words or pictures to help younger children identify where items belong.

Under-bed Storage

Maximize space by using under-bed storage bins for toys, games, or out-of-season clothes. These bins keep items out of sight but easily accessible, making cleanup faster and more efficient.

Hanging Organizers

Use hanging organizers on doors or walls to store shoes, accessories, or small toys. These organizers free up floor space and keep items within reach.

Rolling Carts

Rolling carts can be a versatile storage solution. Use them for art supplies, books, or toys and roll them out of the way when not in use. They can also be easily moved from room to room, making cleanup a breeze.

Image Via: Homes & Gardens

Quick Decluttering Tips

One In, One Out Rule

Implement the one in, one out rule to keep clutter at bay. When your child gets a new toy or piece of clothing, have them choose an old item to donate or discard. This helps maintain a manageable number of belongings and prevents the room from becoming overcrowded.

Keep a Donation Box Handy

Keep a donation box in your child’s room or closet for items they no longer use. Once the box is full, donate the items to a local charity. This practice encourages regular decluttering and teaches kids the importance of giving back.

Daily Pickup Routine

Encourage a daily pickup routine before bedtime. Spend 5-10 minutes picking up toys, putting away clothes, and tidying up. This prevents messes from accumulating and makes the weekly deep clean much easier.

Image Via: Anderson + Grant

Simplify Cleaning Tools

Keep Supplies Accessible

Store cleaning supplies in an easily accessible location. A small caddy with essentials like disinfecting wipes, a dust cloth, and a handheld vacuum can make quick cleanups convenient. Involving your kids in using these tools can also make them feel responsible for keeping their space tidy.

Use Multi-purpose Cleaners

Multi-purpose cleaners save time by allowing you to clean various surfaces with one product. Use these for wiping down furniture, shelves, and toys quickly and efficiently.

Invest in a Handheld Vacuum

A handheld vacuum can make quick work of crumbs, dirt, and small debris. It’s perfect for spot cleaning and teaching kids to clean up after themselves. Keep it charged and easily accessible for spontaneous cleanups.

Make Cleaning Fun

Play Music

Play upbeat music while cleaning to make the task more enjoyable. Music can energize and motivate your kids, turning cleaning into a fun activity rather than a chore.

Use a Reward System

Implement a reward system to encourage your kids to keep their rooms clean. Stickers, extra screen time, or a small treat can motivate them to complete their cleaning tasks promptly.

Create Cleaning Games

Turn cleaning into a game to keep your kids engaged. For example, have a race to see who can pick up the most toys in a minute or play “musical chairs” where they have to put away items before the music stops.


Keeping your kids’ rooms clean doesn’t have to be a daunting task. By establishing a routine, utilizing smart storage solutions, and involving your kids in the process, you can make cleaning quick and efficient. Remember, the key is to make it fun and manageable. With these hacks, you’ll be well on your way to maintaining a tidy and organized space for your little ones. Happy cleaning!

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